Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Certified?

When you buy a mined diamond—if you’re buying from a reputable dealer—you will receive a certificate from an independent third party ensuring that your diamond is everything the seller claims it to be: that its grade is accurate, that its carat weight is accurate, whether it has received any color treatment, and so on.
But what about lab-grown diamonds? The good news for consumers is that lab-grown diamonds are certified, as well. All Primo lab-grown diamonds are independently certified by the International Gemological Institute (IGI). IGI was the first gemological laboratory to receive ISO 17025 certification for testing and calibration laboratories. In order to receive this certification, testing laboratories must demonstrate their ability to consistently produce valid results.
Why is Diamond Certification Important?
This certificate is important because it verifies the word of the seller. For instance, none of our diamonds are given post-growth treatment to enhance color. A certificate or grading report (the two terms are used interchangeably) will verify that claim. Generally, it’s a bad idea to buy a diamond without a certificate. An experienced consumer might be able to know quality when they see it, but it’s easy to overlook the fine details. That’s why it’s a good idea to get independent verification. It’s the same reason why lawyers will hire a lawyer rather than represent themselves in court and it’s why even the most experienced writers still need editors. Everyone needs an impartial party poring over the details that you could miss in the moment. Without independent verification, dishonest brokers are free to deceive and honest ones might still make mistakes.
What Does A Diamond Certificate Cover?
The certificate grades the diamond according to the 4Cs—carat, color, clarity, and cut—as well as the quality of the polish, the diamond’s symmetry, and whether or not it exhibits fluorescence or has undergone post-growth treatment. All of these criteria influence a diamond’s value, and a certificate lets you have some reassurance that you don’t just have to take the seller’s word for it. Let’s look at some of those criteria individually.
Carat refers to the weight of a gemstone. 1 ct. = 200 mg or 0.007 oz. You might have an idea of the difference between a 0.5 ct. diamond and a 1 ct. diamond, but without a certificate, an unscrupulous dealer might try to pass off a 0.9 ct. diamond as a 1 ct. diamond. When dealing with diamonds, the difference between the two could amount to hundreds of dollars. Misrepresentation of the weight of a diamond is a serious crime according to the FTC, so a certificate protects both consumer and seller.
Diamonds are graded on a scale from D-Z, D being colorless and Z being yellow. Grades D, E, and F are all “colorless,” but it takes an expert to tell the difference between, say, a D and an E. Moreover, the use of a scale like this ensures consistency from one diamond to the next. Many lab-grown diamonds, especially those grown using the CVD method, undergo post-growth treatment to remove a yellow or brown tint and produce a colorless diamond.
Clarity rating is a little more complicated. Diamonds are rated from Internally Flawless (I.F.), which means free of inclusions, to I 3, which indicates the presence of inclusions that affect transparency and brilliance.
Here is where a lab-grown diamond can really shine. Even more important than the quality of the diamond rough is the quality of the cut. We have been cutting fine diamonds since 1985, and our expertise shows in the quality of our cuts that maximize the optical properties of diamond. Lab-grown diamonds are cut in the same way and in the same shapes as mined diamonds. Your certificate will describe the type of cut as well as the quality, dimensions, symmetry, and proportions.