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Female Self-Purchasers and Lab-Grown Diamonds

06 February 2022

There seems to  be a bias in the jewelry industry to think about lab-grown diamonds as a budget alternative for young people in the marriage market. To be sure, a lab-grown diamonds provide the opportunity for a big, beautiful ring at a significant discount from a mined diamond - and it doesn’t hurt that nobody can tell it’s lab-grown just by looking at it.

But to focus entirely on this market for lab-grown misses an important demographic: the over-40 female self-purchaser. 

Ideally, a woman’s jewelry wardrobe would include a suite of diamond basics beyond the engagement ring and regardless of marital/engaged status:

  • 1.00 carat diamond studs
  • 2.00 carat diamond studs
  • Diamond hoop earrings
  • Solitaire diamond pendant
  • Cocktail diamond pendant
  • Straight-Line diamond bracelet
  • Diamond cocktail ring

But such a suite is beyond the purchasing power of many women, and many women of means still find it difficult to justify buying diamonds for themselves and wait for gifts for meaningful life milestones.

Many women find it increasingly interesting to buy some of the elements of the ideal diamond suite for themselves, rather than waiting five and ten years between life events to receive them as gifts. They can always replace their lab-grown diamonds with mined diamond gifts later, while having  the option to enjoy their diamond jewelry throughout their adult lives.

If you’re not selling lab-grown diamond jewelry as part of a jewelry wardrobe to mature women, you’re missing a tremendous opportunity. When this client walks in your door looking for something special, don’t hesitate to ask her if she has all the diamond basics in her jewelry wardrobe, then show her how exciting it can be to add those pieces for herself, on her own timetable.